Jason Antin
I'm really excited to bring you this conversation I got to have with my good friend and the host of the Travis Macy Show, Travis Macy, and the legendary mountain guide and adventurer Jason Antin.
You may know Jason from his incredible Beat Monday series where he and former WDDR guest Mike Chambers take on epic outdoor challenges in 64 hours from Friday evening to Monday morning.
I’ve wanted to have Jason on the show for a long time, and I am glad Travis could join us for this chat.
I love hearing from endurance athletes about how they can apply the grit and determination they learn from their training and adventures to parenting and vice versa.
We got some great insights from Jason on topics like pushing kids into activities, specializing versus sampling sports, and how Jason manages risk both as a guide and a dad.
Jason also shared lessons he's taken from his many adventures on living passionately while prioritizing family responsibilities.
I think you'll really enjoy this conversation and I hope you take away from it as much as I did.
If you haven’t already please make sure to go check out The Travis Macy Show wherever you are listening to this podcast. I feel fortunate to call Travis a friend and to produce his podcast. Travis is a great podcast host and I feel like every week when I get done listening to his show that I have grown a little, and I think that is pretty cool.

In This Episode:
Learn more about Beat Monday and Jason Antin
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