Dominic Grossman

This week on the pod we are joined by dad to two, a habitual podium finisher in ultra marathons and a staunch lover of family and nature - Dominic Grossman.

 and I talked about the journey of balancing our priorities as humans (work, training, our relationships, etc) with our priorities as parents, the search for “success”, how adversity can help us to grow and show us our path and the many similarities between ultra running and life (and life as a parent). 

We also covered the importance of supporting (and being supported by) our partners and laughed at how our wives tend to be the “victims of our indirect actions”. 

A big thanks to Dominic for joining me on the pod this week! 

Dominic Grossman - Ep Art.png

In This Episode: 

Dominic Grossman on Instagram | Facebook
Dean Karnazes 
Mike Chambers 

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