Erick Baker

This week on the pod we are joined by Erick Baker. Erick is a Singer Songwriter, TV show host, Emmy award winner, a children’s book author, a husband, dad to one, and a true Today’s Dad.

Erick shared all the struggles of finding balance being a musician and being the father and husband he needed to be, and ultimately how he reprioritized his career to be able to create that balance. We also talked about his life as a storyteller and so much more! Erick was kind enough to perform live on the pod, his song Room To Fall, which holds a special place in his heart as a dad and son.

Erick’s Today’s Dad definition was all about being “bumpers on a bowling lane” and being sure to embarrass your kids! It is a great definition, you don’t want to miss this one! A big thanks to Erick for joining us on the pod, be sure to check out his website to learn more about how to catch Erick’s livestream, Noise In The Attic.

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