Thomas Redmon

This week on the pod we are joined by dad to triplets, husband, childhood friend with Michael and Today’s Dad, Thomas Redmon. We had a great chat with Thomas about being a father to triplets, how his family handled his wife having Covid, racial injustice and some of the challenges of being a black dad in America and much more. 

Thomas shared a great Today’s Dad definition that was made up of three parts, being an example, a protector to your significant other, and taking care of your mental health so you can take care of your family. A big thanks to Thomas for joining us on the pod this week!

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In This Episode: 

Bulleit Rye
Jefferson’s Reserve

Thomas Redmon on Facebook
Gregg Spiridellis - Episode 

Performed and written by Jordan Burris
Produced by Jordan Burris & Asher Smith

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